Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Why Writing a College Essay Should Be Easy

Why Writing a College Essay Should Be EasyTo write a college essay on the feelings and needs of the college experience, you must learn to think like the college-bound guy. You may be surprised by how much the way you think can inform the content of your essay.Do you often find yourself longing for something a little more exciting, more enjoyable, or just more casual in your college life? Try thinking about what makes you feel alive - not just academically. This can help you make sense of your feelings and needs.Feelings, needs, and thoughts all go together. When you give these things thought, you will be able to guide your own essay in the direction you wish to take it. Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert? If you're an introvert, it may help you reflect on the way you listen, smile, think, and interact with others. If you're an extrovert, you'll want to think about how well you communicate, adjust your tone, and begin to use metaphors, similes, and humor to make you r readers feel understood.Is your college life full of hard-core partying? If so, the more you can relate to the other college-bound guys in your life, the better. You'll have more to say if you can see yourself in their shoes. Can you envision going back to college next year to get a PhD or MBA degree?And finally, take a look at the positive aspects of your college experience. Describe a time when you felt at home, you laughed out loud, or you had fun. When you are able to connect these feelings and needs with the content of your essay, it will help you come up with a coherent and thought-provoking argument.Think of your college life in this way: it's like a movie or a play. In the beginning, you didn't really care about what happened in the movie, but later, you cared more about the plot, the characters, and the characters' paths in their storylines. In the same way, you should be spending a lot of time reflecting on the major plot points of your college life. The more you look at your experience in this way, the more it will make sense.After you've written and re-written your essay, you may find that you fall off a little bit on the emotional roller coaster. This is normal and is an opportunity to review the content, to put your thoughts down on paper, and to look at your essay from a new perspective.Finally, remember that you don't have to be a total student, history major, or writer to write a college essay. Writing a college essay is very similar to writing any other essay, and it all begins with a careful study of the contents, thoughts, and feelings that come to you during your college days.

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